The project came about as the merging of two ideas. The first is a landscape that responds to sound. The second is the theme of variation on the visual and acoustic representation of an environment. Three parallel tracks were taken during the research phase. The first set of research that we looked at were works where sound manipulated space, and vice-versa. In the second set of research, we looked at works where the artist has dealt with rigorous analysis and reinterpretation through variations on a set parameter. Third, we searched for a suitable spatial host to impose our ideas on.
The landscape is a variation of reality where the parameters have been altered through the use of technology. The version of Paris we have created is not analogous to any geo- graphic location, but a cognitive map that is drawn to our understanding of the city. The visual perception of the space is recognizable only through the proportions and the perspectives of Paris in situ. The hyper stylized visuals and modular elements of the landscape is only activated by the sounds either preset in activated “monuments,” or interacted by the user through the keyboard and mouse. The player’s inputs activate visual sonar that allows a fuller understanding of the environment. Through the mani- pulation of the space through sound, the player’s experience becomes fully immersive.